Saturday, June 25, 2005

Meeshell sends her love

Yesterday I spent about two hours composing a blog posting only to have it disappear down the rathole.... Grrr.......

Meanwhile, you could do worse than peruse the latest bangup reporting from the inimitable Michelle Chen:
Hey everyone. It's been a busy past couple of weeks. Here's some news on house, home and health ... and felon disenfranchisement.

The poor foot the bill for medical care:

The feds chase the ambulance chasers:

The White House cut down on "wasteful" emergency aid:

Minimum wage is still not enough:

Radioactive resurrection:

Home unimprovement:

Nasty neighbors:

Convict voters:


Anonymous said...

Hey Dewar,

Your blog is messed up - what's that huge gap of white space on the opening screen?

Sorry about the lost post text. That kind of thing happened to me a few times, then I got into the habit of ALWAYS editing blog posts with an offline text editor (and frequently hitting the "Save" button). Better luck next time.

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