Tuesday, November 02, 2004

for those who can't wait

Just heard third-hand from Joe Lockhart (Kerry's campaign man) that these early polls are real. K way head in pa and 4 pts ahead in fl and ohio.

See how plugged in I am!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you may need to find a new outlet. I guess being plugged in doesn't always mean the data your source has is accurate.

Anonymous said...

It's time to call it in Mr. MacLeod. I know it's absolutely devistating to us but Bush has won. Up until yesterday, I had always maintained that Bush was going to pull it off. My change in prediction was however, as I found out today, heavily clouded by my deepest hope that he would lose. I was simply kidding myself. My objectivity went straight out the window. The only hope I'm clinging to now is that Uncle Tecumseh will make a triumphant return to what he's been doing over the last one hundred and sixty years.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic Party has proven itself totally impotent in American politics. They lost house and senate seats, the minority leader was defeated, lost the popular vote, and the Electoral College. They only managed to split Govern ships. Every aspect of their campaign was a failure. They should have done allot of self reflecting after 2000 but instead they whipped them selves into a frenzy. Bush now has congress and will most likely appoint new Supreme Court justices. Democrats should be ashamed and think hard about their party and where it's going.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering how does Kerry feel now about picking Edwards as his running mate. I personally believe that he brought nothing to the table. He couldn't even win his home state of North Carolina. He didn't do anything in the South or the Midwest. It was a mistake to pick him, I believe. Kerry should have picked Gephardt because of his long tenure in the Senate and his history with the unions. This might have helped Kerry win Missouri and maybe some other Southern states.