Wednesday, February 02, 2005

How Islam Got to the Philippines

How Islam Got to the Philippines -- interesting, brief article from Slate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought this article was very interesting because the Philippines has played a role in American history and the issue of militant Islam is relevant in America today. It’s insightful to see how Islam came to the Philippines, for most of us associate the Philippines with Catholicism. Also the fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in this century and I guess that in it self needs further study.
It seems like certain groups of people use Islam in political struggles for personal gains. Also the fact that many Muslim leaders twist the truth to gain power, such as the sultan of Sulu who claims linage with the prophet Mohammed. This clearly false and untrue but somehow people seem to believe. It seems like Islam is used as a Symbol for propaganda use, in order to serve the selfish interest of a few, like those Muslim Militants in the Philippines.