Monday, September 27, 2004

A Contest

Several commenters have asked why I am so anti-Bush? Where's the balance on my blog?

Well, I haven't figured out how to insert pictures in my site yet, so I will link to this picture from freewayblogger. The text reads: "Name one thing he has done right. One."

I think Bush is the worst President since Andrew Johnson. Not just because I disagree with his policies, but because of the damage his administration has done to our country and our world. I remember thinking and saying soon after September 11, 2001, "I have no doubt Osama Bin Laden is more evil than George W. Bush, but I suspect Bush might end up doing more damage to our country." Well, the story isn't over yet.... And this is not about just Bush himself -- yes, I think he is callow, craven, small-minded and mean-spirited -- but his administration (for which he, of course, must be held responsible).

So that is my take. It is not simply about the election. It is about the most secretive, dishonest, authoritarian, and incompetent administration in American history. And four more years of these people in charge can wreak incomparable damage. I don't want to descend into ranting, so I try to link to articles that provide INFORMATION upon which we can judge this administration's performance.

For instance: do you feel safer? Maybe this or this or this will change your mind. Or, as David Corn reminds us, Ashcroft is "0 for 5000" in terrorist convictions.

Think things are going better in Iraq? Check this out. Or see what Colin Powell, who used to be a member of this administration I think, says.

Think the coming election will be fair? Try this and this, or listen to a guy who has been all over the world checking the honesty of elections.

Think the Republicans will stop at anything to win? try josh marshall on for size.

Interested in how much you will be paying in the future for the current administration's fiscal irresponsibility? see Delong

Think Dan Rather should be shot? Go ahead, shoot him if you must. Then remember what the New York Times, the Washington Post, and nearly every other media outlet did before the Iraq War. By their own admission they told lies (well, they put it more delicately) and failed to check their own sources. (I'll find the links to their pathetic mea culpas if anyone is interested.)

Feeling at a loss for what to do? Do what I do, go read Digby!

But let me just now toss this one out: a contest: "Name one thing he has done right. One."

Winner gets a gold star.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures! You've made me laugh again, this Monday, a day that's been moving slower than shit going up a hill in January.