Saturday, September 04, 2004

Digby gets dirty

Digby has a powerful post about why nasty politics works and why the Democrats are going to have to dive right into the mud. Why I always enjoy and learn from Digby is that despite his partisan tone, he is really trying to figure his way through these problems, not merely spew invective and preach to himself. Building on Frank Rich's article in today's times, How Kerry Became a Girlie-Man, Digby writes,
Bush and the Republicans understand that the public actually prefers someone who plays the role in a way that brings them emotional satisfaction, than someone who actually embodies that role but plays the part imperfectly. In the media age, people care more about the way a president seems, than what he really does. They know that Bush is no manly man, but they appreciate the fact that he is good at pretending to be one. It's a form of respect.

Politics nowadays is just a Survivor or Fear Factor-like television show:
Dirty, hate filled, testosterone fueled, phony political spectacle is what the public wants to buy. They are not going to turn off their car radios and TVs and suddenly reject the entertaining pageant they are enjoying so much. They will continue to assure pollsters that they hate all this negativity, but they will tune in to absorb the bloodlust and feel vicariously empowered by this show of masculine prowess. They want action. They will vote for the one who gives it to them.

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