Friday, September 10, 2004

today's NY Times and WaPo op-eds

I am too tired right now to comment, but I recommend you read Bob Herbert, who notes "In a poll done for Newsweek magazine this week, 42 percent of the respondents continue to believe that Saddam Hussein was directly involved in the Sept. 11 attacks." Why is this? I am beginning to think this is more than people being misinformed or ignorant. There is a willful disregard of the facts, a clinging to fantasy going on here. Still, the question is why?

And, of course, Krugman on "The Dishonesty Thing" -- this time about economic policy.

Then there is E.J. Dionne's "Rewriting the Record" in the Washington Post on the rationales for war and the curious absence of discussion by the administration of anything that has actually happened in the past two years.

And check out Fareed Zakaria -- a very moderate, even conservative foreign policy analyst -- arguing that "Bush eloquently lays out his vision while ignoring reality"

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