Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Not much time today, so I just want to point you to the always brilliant Krugman. Op-eds are a strange species because they are not held to the same set of "standards" of the supposed real journalism. So people can get away with nonsense. And since they only have 500-1000 words or so, they can't fill in every detail. Krugman, though, is scrupulous. He simply doesn't make shit up, and he doesn't ignore contrary evidence to make his points. You may not always agree, and he, of course, doesn't give all sides to every story, but you can count his intellectual honesty. Today's column, in particular, could be ten times longer with footnotes and evidence substanting every contention he makes. And as bad as he makes things sound, he is only scratching the surface. Take it seriously. And read, read, read.

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