Sunday, September 05, 2004

what to make of this?

U.S. Near Seizing Bin Laden, Official Says


Anonymous said...

It wouldnt be far fetched to say that the US forces may have already captured Bin Laden, but are waiting to announce it just prior to the elections. This would mean a certain landslide for Bush, because he'll be portrayed as the president who won the war on The Most Wanted Terrorist!(NR)

Anonymous said...

It wouldnt be far fetched to say that US forces may have already captured Bin Laden, but will announce this just before the elections. This would mean certain landslide for Bush, as he'll be portrayed as the president that actually won the war on terrorism. NR

Anonymous said...

Osama is long gone. Bush gave him an entire month's headstart to find a safe cave haven. US forces will never find or catch him. If I'm wrong, he will never be caught alive.