Friday, September 17, 2004


I want to point you again to this important article from yesterday's Times:

U.S. Intelligence Shows Pessimism on Iraq's Future

Josh Marshall summarizes nicely:
...Actually, on Thursday President Bush was speaking in exactly this vein: "Freedom is on the march."

But as yesterday's piece in the Times made clear, that's exactly the opposite of what the government -- or rather the people in the government paid to analyze these things --- actually believes. A new and still highly classified National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq says that the best case scenario for the country over the next eighteen months is drift, along more or less the lines that it's at right now. The worst case scenario is all-out civil war. The middle ground is spiralling extremism and fragmentation -- basically a continuation of the evolution, or rather devolution, we've seen over the last year.

There have been a raft of new findings over the last week or so which dramatize or confirm this finding. But the truth is we don't really need anyone to tell us this.

It's always possible to posit 'optimism' up until the point when the whole place actually erupts spontaneously into hellfire. But to any thinking individual it's clear and it's been clear for some time that our whole enterprise in Iraq is going extremely poorly, by pretty much every concievable measure.

And yet the president just says none of this is true. Things are going well. Yes, things are difficult, he says. But we're on the right track and things keep getting better. Dan Bartlett today said that Democrats are just showing their pessimism: "President Bush gets his briefings from commanders on the ground. He has reason for his optimism because of the enormous amount of progress we have made."

The president is simply in denial. Or he's willing to keep burning through the US Army and the Marine Corps to avoid admitting the failure of his policies or even the obvious fact that the situation in Iraq is deteriorating terribly.

Today another suicide bomber just exploded himself in Baghdad killing at least a dozen people. The country is continuing the slide into chaos and violence. President Bush says we're on the the right track. Freedom is on the march.

Words and excuses meet incompetence, chaos and death. That's what this election is about.
And he is right that all you have had to do was keep reading for the past two years to see this story developing -- and I have linked to numerous articles reporting on various aspects of the war.

But this, from today's Times, gives us a sense of one of the consequences:
The chief of the Army Reserve warned on Thursday that at the current pace of operations in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, the Army faced a risk of running out of crucial specialists in the Reserves who can be involuntarily called up for active duty.
People wonder what Kerry's plan for Iraq is. But how can he formulate (or announce) a specific plan when the details of the situation in Iraq will be different in January than they are now. I suggest our current Commander in Chief formulate a plan first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rumsfeld miscalculated on the number of necessary troops, he should be castrated, or at the very least sent to patrol the very streets of Fallujah with the rest of the troops that pull 60hr non-stop shifts. I think he'll look quite dashing in a flack jacket and helmet! GO Rummy GO! Next time use a calculator dumbass!!