Monday, September 13, 2004

"Fuck the Police"

Some of you oldtimers might remember the uproar over N.W.A.'s "Fuck the Police" and Ice-T's "Cop Killer." Well, what do you make of the Republicans' current ending of the ban on assault weapons?:
National police organizations such as the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the International Brotherhood of Police Officers and the Fraternal Order of Police all support the renewal of the ban.
Maybe the expression is now "Cheney the Police"?


Anonymous said...

But did the "ban" on assault weapons really exist in the first place? There might be some food for thought here.... NRA spokesperson says that lifting the ban will just allow minor cosmetic changes to already existing weapons, and the original ban was not really a an actual ban on assault rifles,Uzis,etc because you could still purchase these assault rifles at gun shows. check out this link. NR

Anonymous said...

Agree the "assault rifle" ban applied mostly to semi-automatic rifles not what most people would consider "assault rifles". Second few crimes are committed with legal fire arms least of all legal "assault rifles". Take for example the infamous shoot out in California were the heavily armed bank robbers used "assault rifles". These rifles were illegal before the ban and obtained before the ban. Lastly it's an impediment of our second amendment right and the government has no right to in any way diminish this right. Not only should this bill not be renewed it should have never been passed in the first place. Now that Kerry has come out for the ban we can rest assured if he gets elected he will continue the Presidential tradition of destroying the constitution.