Monday, September 13, 2004

Energy policy

Today's NY Times has a decent editorial on the two candidates energy policies.

This is an issue that I personallyl wish Kerry would make more of. The Bush solution seems to be to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which wouldn't produce oil for a decade, and even then only a tiny fraction of our needs.

I remember sitting in my office off Times Square on September 11, 2001 and it occurred to me that now finally we would have to have a sane energy policy. Shows how naive I was. To my mind, energy, environment, economic (esp. jobs and technological innovation), and national security policies are all of a piece. The Apollo Project is an extraordinarily innovative and important such plan. I urge you to check it out.

For those of you interested in the future of alternative fuels, this piece from the Washingon Monthly gives some reason for hope : Washington Monthly; Jul/Aug2004, Vol. 36 Issue 7/8, p17, 4p; "Independence Way" by Sam Jaffe. Abstract: Deals with the reform agendas of U.S. presidential candidate John Kerry to use ethanol-based fuel as a means of transforming the transportation infrastructure to disengage the country from importing oil products. Source of ethanol fuel products; Information on the cellulosic ethanol products developed by the Canadian biotechnology company Iogen; Benefits of cellulosic ethanol. [available through our library ejournals]

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