Thursday, September 30, 2004

a couple of words on the debates tonight

First, I urge you all to watch. Second, I strongly urge you all to watch on CSPAN where there are no pontificating bloviators. If you can't do that, I really, really urge to you turn the show on at 9 and TURN IT OFF IMMEDIATELY AFTER the debate. Don't waste your time on the talking heads. They are either shallow and simplistic tv-types or paid flacks. Leave the spin alone and think for yourselves.

That said, you gotta tune into the Daily Show at 11 on Comedy Central, where Rudi Giuliani and Wes Clark will discuss the debate live. It is a sad time to live in this country (founded as it was by Tom Paine and other people fighting for a free press) when the ONLY news show with any legitimacy is the one that at least admits to being FAKE.

Enjoy, and I look forward to reading and hearing your comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have gut feeling that if Kerry doesn't come on strong tonight, Bush will win the election by a considerable margin. I know a lot can happen in a month and a half but even so, time IS running out. This is Kerry's best and first chance to shake off the media's buzz that the public doesn't know him well enough, in front of the entire nation. He needs to be firm, concise, and energetic with his responses. A couple of sarcastic commnets or questions directed toward Bush about the war wouldn't hurt eiether. At this stage of the game, to Hell with the rules. If Kerry's on his game, he's got a shot. If not, he's toast.